Engagement sessions

Engagement sessions

What to expect and how to prepare

Every client that book engagement photoshoot with us, Dalibor Vilovski photography, get one of this guide to help them prepare for a photoshoot. We cover everything, from bringing snacks to what to wear...So that your special day runs smoothly.

Engagement sessions are a key piece in getting to know your photographer and practicing in front of the camera. It’s an opportunity to become more comfortable taking photos and will make taking wedding day photos much easier! While it’s an exciting time, we know that it can also be a bit overwhelming to plan for as you may not be sure what to expect, and for most couples a little bit intimidating as you aren’t used to getting professional photos taken. But not to worry! We are here to guide you every step of the way.

Choose a Location

Consider your favorite locations. Do you want to highlight the iconic nature of the particular area? Do you want the location to be one that reminds of special times? It could be the location where you had your first date or your first kiss? Maybe it's the area that you're most like spending time together such as a park or cafe.

Time Of Day Requested

Light is a photographer’s best friend. The best light, of course, around sunrise; one hour early and one hour after sunset. Our advice is to schedule a photo shoot in the afternoon, 2 hours before sunset for that golden light, where the sky deepens to show yellows, oranges, and reds.

When In Doubt, Kiss!

If you haven’t spent a lot of time in front of a camera (and let’s face it – who has?), you may be pretty nervous or become stiff during your shoot. A quick way to loosen up while still getting great photos is to go in for a kiss! This can help you connect with your partner and forget the camera is even around, which makes for more natural photos anyway.

How to Prepare/What to Bring

For you brides, your engagement session is a great time to do a trial run with a professional hair/makeup artist. Whether you do your own styling or have it done by a professional, it’s a great idea to bring along your makeup bag and any hair styling products for little touch-ups you may need or want in-between looks. The day of the session, remember to lotion up for soft, smooth skin. If you tend to have sensitive/squinty eyes, avoid wearing sunglasses on the day of your session. Letting your eyes adjust to the bright outside light will be a big help! Come to the session dressed and ready to go in your first look. When we talk about locations, we will discuss which look to do first. Bring your additional outfits on hangers, or lay them flat in your car to avoid any extra wrinkling. It’s also a great idea to bring along a bottle of water and a small snack. We can’t have hungry models!


If you want to bring some props that have some sentimental value feel free to bring. Of course, the ring will be in the main spotlight. :) Incorporating your hobbies or interests into your engagement photos will not only make you feel more comfortable during your session, but it will also be a very genuine and authentic way to show your personality in the photos.

What to Wear

Next, let’s talk outfits! Pairing outfits can be easier said than done. A few things to keep in mind… Most couples choose to bring two different outfits, dressy and casual. However, this is completely up to YOU. You can choose to do just one look, or add in a third option for a few additional photos. Adding layers, whether clothing layers (jackets, shirts, etc.) or accessories (jewelry, scarves, hats, etc.) can add a lot to your look. Remember little things like polished nails, wrinkle-free clothing, and nice shoes go a long way in giving you an overall finished look. When choosing what colors to wear, try to avoid anything too bright or neon, especially bright pinks/oranges/reds as they can reflect on skin tones. Neutrals and muted colors work great for about anyone, and we always love us some classic blacks and whites! Look over our style guide for some more tips.

Engagement Session Style Tips

1. Be you. Choose clothing and accessories that
represent your style and that you feel great in.

2. Be comfortable. Select clothing that fits well and that compliments your figure.

3. Try to avoid clothing with logos...otherwise you run
the risk of looking like an ad for your favorite retailer

4. Try to avoid being “matchy-matchy”.Instead,
try to coordinate your outfit selections.

5. Select outfits that compliment each other in color, style, and level of formality.

6. Don’t be afraid to bring a couple of different outfits.
most couples bring one casual outfit and one formal one.

7. Layer and texture translate great on camera. So don’t be afraid to layer jewelry, scarves, sweaters,
   jackets, or any combination in order to create depth in your outfits.

8. Don’t forget the details. Accessories, nails, shoes. The
level of care on even the little things can add up. A fresh
manicure, polished shoes, and even the simplest earrings
can create a mote polished and styled look.

9. Brides...consider having your hair and makeup done for your session. Having a professional hair and/or makeup stylist prep you for your session will help to add a little glamour to your photos even if you are selected casual apparel for your session.

10. Don’t Stress. Engagement photos should be fun...and they will be if you let yourself enjoy the experience. You might even consider having a date night after
your session so you can enjoy an event together celebrating your engagement.

What to Expect

Most engagement sessions take about an hour and a half. This will vary depending on the number of clothes you bring and the time travel between locations. But don’t worry, we won’t look at the clock if we need we will stay longer. It’s important for us to get beautiful photos. Many couples choose to change in their car, however, if you are uncomfortable with this, we can do our best to find a location nearby that you can change to. When it comes to the front of the camera, we will guide you every step of the way. No need to worry about posing. We will give you tips on how to look your best and guide you through each shot in detail. The most important thing to remember for your engagement session is to show up and just be. We will take care of the rest. Since we live in Ireland and the weather is very changeable, there is the possibility of having an indoor session or moving it to next week. After photos are professional retouch they will be uploaded to an online gallery that you can share with your friends and family. From an online gallery, you can download high-resolution images, ready for print, and photos for social media. For an extra cost, you can order a beautiful album with your best photos.

I hope you enjoyed our first blog and that you may have learned something. Thanks for reading the article, and we’ll read on in the next one.😅😅
For more information, visit our website daliborvilovskiphoto.com
